
What can I test with UserTesting templates?

If you’re leveraging a platform like UserTesting, there’s a template to test just about anything! From ad copy and creative to prototypes to information architecture to mobile apps to card sorting to shopping cart abandonment—there’s a wide range of experiences your team can start testing today using templates.

Decision Confidence

1. Find the right audience to test a prototype

Hear from your actual customers with our template on prototype evaluation testing.

The earlier you begin testing in the design process, the better. This critical step validates ideas while helping teams build a persuasive rationale for specific design decisions—and minimizes the chances of costly rework efforts later on. The prototype evaluation template offers the opportunity to observe users using a pre-production experience, whether your goal is gathering customer perspectives, identifying areas for improvement or points of friction, or confirming product-market fit.

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2. Understand the why behind your data

Understanding how an audience engages with your content instead of making assumptions can only amplify your marketing efforts. Find the “why” behind your metrics and gain a deeper understanding with our landing page conversions template.

Made to optimize conversions with insights about what drives your customers, this template allows you to pinpoint competitors’ strengths, discover opportunities for improvement, and find points of confusion. 

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3. Get first impressions

What if you could see and hear from diverse perspectives representative of your customers—and even better, remotely? Place your users at the forefront with the first impressions template. 

Without testing a product pre-launch, it’s difficult to predict how it’ll be perceived, no matter how many internal discussions were had or how much prep work was done. The first impressions template prevents a guessing game by gathering feedback to ensure your assets and copy align and learning how your customers perceive your product or experience. 

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4. Understand the full customer journey

What if your customer told you they prefer text to purchase? Guest checkout over creating an account? Uncovering your customers' preferences and creating a user-friendly checkout process can make all the difference between an abandoned cart and a purchase. Place yourself in your customers’ shoes by leveraging human insights with the digital experience template. 

Stay ahead of the curve by using the template as your guide or customizing it to fit your goals—and learn how your digital ads are perceived, the consumer expectations you have to exceed, and existing gaps in any flows. 

Teaser images for the Template page

5. Improve mobile experiences

You might be surrounded by potential target users in your day-to-day, but there’s a better way than approaching them on the spot. Here’s an overview of how you can test mobile experiences. 

UserTesting offers an abundance of support for mobile experiences, from the mobile app comparison template, to a template on mobile app evaluation, and more. Whether you’re testing how your website appears on mobile or the usability of your app, or even leveraging testers’ mobile devices for real-world testing, the possibilities are endless. 

image for test mobile experiences with diverse audiences

Additional resources

  • Testing at every stage of development


    Testing at every stage of the development process

    Minimize costs and re-work by understanding user expectations from discovery to post-launch.

  • Customer Story Images

    Customer story

    Panera Bread

    See how Panera Bread cooked up a new catering website to earn an 18% increase in revenue per visit
  • teaser image for resource guide mitigating risk in digital product development


    Mitigating risk in digital product development

    Whether you’re a product leader at a digitally native organization or your team is...